The Global Heritage Fund is rolling out a report, a new blog, and a forum this week, all of which should be of interest to readers of this blog (disclosure: I was on the editorial committee for the report):
Report: Sunday, GHF released Saving Our Vanishing Heritage: Safeguarding Endangered Cultural Heritage Sites in the Developing World, which details the state of conservation for the planet’s most significant and endangered cultural sites over the past decade. This includes the 12 “on the verge” and an estimate about the potential $100 billion per year opportunity if global heritage sites are preserved.
Forum: GHF is hosting experts and funders from around the world to discuss this very topic at Stanford on Oct 19. Nicholas Kristof is the keynote.
HuffPost: GHF Executive Director has this post on HuffingtonPost:
New GHF blogs: Updates and news on endangered sites around the world, and the work attempting to save them.
Somebody Somehow Switched Treasure Coin Image?
A tale of two coins and some dodgy metal-detector-speak from the British
I am really puzzled by what the British are up to. A while ago...
6 hours ago
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